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Text File | 1995-07-31 | 24.9 KB | 619 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ########################
- MacPerl Support in Alpha
- ########################
- Introduction
- ============
- This document describes the use of the MacPerl menu in Alpha. The
- MacPerl menu was written to allow Alpha to act as a front end for
- Matthias Neeracher's standalone MacPerl application and to make it
- possible to "attach" Perl scripts to Alpha. It provides a number of
- features designed to make the use and development of Perl scripts on the
- Mac more convenient. These are detailed in the rest of this document
- (most easily navigated using the "{}" menu on the sidebar), but here's a
- quick overview:
- Editing Perl scripts...
- • Perl keywords and special variables are colorized in Perl mode.
- • The Perl 4 man page is provided as an on-line reference,
- available as the file "Perl Commands" in Alpha's Help menu; it has
- been colorized and indexed to make it easy to read and navigate.
- • The man page can be referenced by command-double-clicking a
- highlighted Perl keyword or special variable in your Perl script.
- • Source files mentioned in require statements can be opened by
- command-double-clicking as well.
- Running Perl Scripts...
- • MacPerl scripts can be run directly from Alpha - a script can be
- a text window in Alpha, a highlighted selection from a window, or a
- disk file.
- • You can save scripts as MacPerl droplets and runtime applications
- directly from Alpha.
- • Perl scripts that read from standard input and write to standard
- output may be used to process text in Alpha's text windows.
- Debugging Perl scripts...
- • When a script fails, the error messages are displayed and the
- script is brought up with the line that caused the error highlighted.
- • A flag can be set to cause scripts to run under the Perl
- debugger (without modifying the script).
- Currently, no explicit support or documentation is provided for Perl 5,
- but this will follow once a stable port of Perl 5 to the 68k Macintosh
- emerges.
- Instructions for obtaining the MacPerl application are given further below.
- Installation
- ============
- No special installation procedure is required before using this package.
- However, there are a couple of things that you may need to do to
- configure things for your particular machine.
- MacPerl application and library
- -------------------------------
- Alpha needs to know where to find your MacPerl application in order to
- interact with it, and will automatically prompt you to locate it if it
- doesn't know where it is. You can always check and/or change the path
- that Alpha uses by selecting the "MacPerl" entry in the "Mode:App Paths"
- menu.
- When opening "require"d source files via the command-double-click
- mechanism, Alpha will always look in the "lib" folder in the MacPerl
- application directory. To have Alpha look for library files elsewhere,
- you can specify an additional personal library folder, using the
- "MacPerl lib folder" entry in "Mode:App Paths" menu.
- Text Filters Setup
- ------------------
- If you want to use Perl scripts to process Alpha text buffers (see
- Text Filters), you'll need to arrange that the Perl menu is visible
- while you're in Text mode. While in Text mode, select "Set Mode
- Menus…" from the "√" pop-up menu on the side-bar and command-click
- on "perlMenu" in the list of menus shown. The little camel icon
- should appear on the menu bar when you're done.
- The MacPerl menu contains a hierarchical submenu of preattached scripts
- to be used as text filters. A sample collection of such scripts is
- distributed with Alpha in the ":Tcl:UserCode:Text Filters:" folder. You
- can specify your own folder of scripts using "MacPerl Text Filters
- folder" entry in "Mode:App Paths" menu.
- Option flags
- There are a handful of flags you can set to modify the way Alpha and
- MacPerl interact while running Perl scripts. These can be set from
- either the MacPerl menu or the "√" pop-up menu on the side-bar. They're
- described in detail below.
- Perl Mode
- =========
- Perl mode is entered automatically whenever you open a file with a ".pl"
- or ".ph" suffix; you can also invoke it explicitly using the modes menu
- (downward triangle) on the sidebar. Perl mode offers a number of
- features supporting the editting and debugging of Perl scripts:
- Basic language support
- ----------------------
- • Perl keywords and special variables appear in blue in Perl mode.
- • A single line or a selected block of lines may be commented out by
- using the "Comment Line" command under the "Convert" menu. Lines
- are uncommented using "Uncomment Line", which appears in the "Convert"
- menu when the option key is held down.
- • Alpha will create an index of all subroutines in your Perl script when
- you select "Mark File" from the Marks menu on the sidebar (the "{}"
- button). Once created this index is saved with your file.
- When you open a Perl script that hasn't already been indexed, an index
- is automatically created.
- Command-double-clicking
- -----------------------
- A simple form of hypertext help is invoked by double-clicking on
- certain pieces of text while the command key is held down:
- • The online man page can be referenced by command-double-clicking a
- highlighted Perl keyword or special variable in your Perl script.
- Most of the clickable keywords and variables will be colored blue.
- Special variables containing alphabetic characters, .e.g. @ARGV,
- are also clickable but are not colored.
- • Command-double-clicking on the name of the source file in a require
- statement will cause that file to be opened by Alpha.
- Alpha will look for the file in the current script's folder, in your local
- library folder and in the MacPerl lib folder (in that order). The local
- lib folder may be specified interactively by the user (see Installation).
- MacPerl Menu
- ============
- Alpha's MacPerl menu allows a number of actions. These are ...
- MacPerl interaction
- -------------------
- Macperl Switch to the MacPerl application.
- Tell Macperl... >
- Open In Macperl Open the current document in MacPerl.
- Save As Droplet Save the current document as a MacPerl droplet.
- Save As Droplet Save the current document as a MacPerl runtime script.
- Save As CGI Save the current document as a MacPerl CGI applet.
- A bug in the AEGizmos package makes it impossible to create
- CGI applets directly from Alpha at this point. You will have
- to open the script in MacPerl and save it from there.
- Open Output Window Retrieve the contents of MacPerl's main output window
- into a new window under Alpha.
- Close Output Window Close MacPerl's main output and debugger windows.
- Quit Force the MacPerl application to quit.
- Running Perl Scripts
- --------------------
- Run The Selection Execute the selected text as a Perl script.
- Run The Buffer Execute the current text window as a Perl script.
- Save And Run Save the current window and run the saved file as
- a Perl script. (see Current Directory)
- Run A File Run a selected disk file as a Perl script.
- Applying Text Filter Scripts
- ----------------------------
- Text Filters > A hierarchical menu of "preattached" scripts to use
- as text filters. When a script is selected from this menu,
- it is immediately applied to the current text window.
- The menu is built from the contents of a user-selected
- folder. The folder is chosen using the "Mode:App Paths"
- menu command on the main menubar or the "Text Filters Folder"
- command under the Macperl "Filter Options" submenu (below).
- Select Buffer As Filter Select one of the open text windows to use as the
- text filter script.
- Select File As Filter Select a file to use as the text filter script.
- Repeat Last Filter Run again the last filter that was used.
- If the contents of the file or buffer has changed, the
- new script is run.
- Option flags
- ------------
- General Options > Flags that control Alpha's behavior when executing
- ordinary scripts (not text filters).
- Retrieve Output Automatically retrieve any output written to the
- MacPerl output window and display it in a new
- window under Alpha. (same as "perlGetOutput")
- If the mode variable "perlRecycleOutput" is set,
- the previous output window is overwritten.
- Auto Switch Switch to MacPerl while scripts are being executed.
- Otherwise, Alpha remains frontmost until the script
- finishes. (same as "perlAutoSwitch")
- Prompt For Args Have Alpha prompt you for command-line arguments
- to be passed to the script. (same as "perlPromptArgs")
- Use Debugger Force the script to run under the MacPerl debugger.
- (same as "perlUseDebug")
- Control is automatically switched to MacPerl
- when the debugger is used.
- Filter Options > Flags controlling the behavior of text filters mechanism.
- Apply To Buffer Apply the filter to the entire current text window;
- otherwise, only the selected text is used.
- (same as "perlUseBuffer")
- Overwrite Selection When checked, the output from the text filter
- script will replace the input text in the original
- window. Otherwise, the output is written into
- a new window.
- (same as "perlOverwrite")
- Text Filters Folder Select the folder from which the Text Filters menu is
- built. (You can also use the "Mode:App Paths" menu.)
- Rebuild Filter Menu Reconstruct the "Text Filters" menu from the
- contents of the designated "Text Filters" folder.
- Mode variables
- --------------
- A more complete set of Perl option flags are also settable through the
- flags menu "√" on the sidebar (while you're in Perl mode).
- perlAutoSwitch (same as "Auto Switch" under "General Options")
- perlGetOutput (same as "Retrieve Output" under "General Options")
- perlOverwrite (same as "Overwrite Selection" under "Filter Options")
- perlPromptArgs (same as "Prompt For Args" under "General Options")
- perlUseDebug (same as "Use Debugger" under "General Options" )
- perlUsebuffer (same as "Apply To Buffer" under "Filter Options")
- perlRecycleOutput If selected, output returned by Macperl overwrites
- previous output in the "* Perl Output *" window in Alpha,
- instead of going into a new window.
- There are also two mode variables that may be examined
- perlLastFilter Contains the location of the last text-filter script used.
- perlCmdlineArgs Contains the last command-line options supplied.
- Note these are only passed to scripts when the "Prompt for
- Args" option is active.
- Running Scripts
- ===============
- Running scripts using the MacPerl menu is pretty straightforward. You
- can send the current selection, the entire current buffer, or a disk
- file to MacPerl for execution as a Perl script; the result will be the
- same as if you ran the script from MacPerl itself. Here are listed some
- important points to remember when running Perl scripts using the MacPerl
- menu.
- Input and Output
- ----------------
- • Except for text filter scripts, the standard input for your script
- is taken from the keyboard (while MacPerl is in the foreground)
- and standard output goes to MacPerl's output window.
- If you need to interact with the script while it's running, make
- sure that you've selected the "AutoSwitch" flag under "General
- Options".
- • To get the output from your script, select the "Retrieve Output"
- flag under "General Options", this will cause Alpha to copy any
- output to Macperl's standard output window back into Alpha after
- your script has completed. You can always do this manually by
- using the "Get Output Window" command under the "Tell Macperl…"
- submenu.
- Again, if you need to see the results while the script is running,
- use "AutoSwitch" to bring MacPerl to the foreground during script
- execution.
- Current Directory
- -----------------
- For the purpose of resolving relative file references, etc., within your
- script, it's important to understand how the current directory of the
- running script (as returned by `pwd` ) is determined.
- • If you run a script file (using "Run A File"), then the folder
- containing that file is the current folder.
- • If you run a script from a text buffer (using "Run The Buffer" or "Run
- The Selection") , it is as though you ran it directly from a window in
- the MacPerl application, and so the current directory your script sees
- is the MacPerl application folder.
- • If you run a script from a buffer using the "Save and Run" command,
- then the script is first saved to disk and then executed as a script
- file. In this case, the current directory is that of the script file.
- Command-line Args
- -----------------
- • If the menu flag "Prompt For Args" is checked, then the user is prompted
- for command-line arguments at the time the script is run. These will be
- available inside the script through the @ARGV array, as usual. They are
- also saved in the Perl-mode variable "perlCmdlineArgs", and become the
- default arguments the next time the script is executed.
- Error Messages
- --------------
- • If the script fails for some reason, Alpha will read the error messages
- returned by MacPerl and write them back into a new text window, called
- "* Perl Errors *".
- • The script that generated the error is brought up
- and the first line specifically referenced in an error message is
- highlighted.
- Note that error-trapping remains active whether "Retrieve Output" is set
- or not.
- Interrupting a Script
- ---------------------
- When you run a Perl script from Alpha, Alpha will display the watch
- cursor and wait for the reply from Macperl before doing anything else.
- There may be times when this is inappropriate, for instance, if you
- expect the script to run for a long time or if you think the script is
- misbehaving for some reason.
- • You can always tell Alpha to stop waiting for a script to finish by
- hitting "Cmd-.".
- This does not abort the script itself; to do that you'll have to switch
- over to MacPerl to terminate the script there, as well.
- • When you interrupt a script in this way, Alpha will no longer
- automatically get the output or error messages from MacPerl, when and if
- the script does finally terminate.
- You can always retrieve the contents of the output window yourself using
- "Get Output Window" from the "Tell MacPerl…" submenu or simply by
- switching over to Macperl itself.
- There are some simple causes for a hung script. For instance, if
- MacPerl is configured to check for "#!" lines in scripts and yours
- doesn't have one, it will put up a dialog asking whether or not to
- procede. If you didn't switch over to MacPerl when the script was run,
- you have know way of knowing this, and so you and Alpha may end up just
- sitting there waiting.
- Text Filters
- ============
- Perl is, among other things, a powerful tool for extracting and
- rewriting data from text files. On a Unix system, one would
- typically write text-processing scripts to read from "standard
- input" and write to "standard output", taking advantage of
- command-line i/o redirection to specify the actual input and output
- files used at any given time. On the Mac, the typical absence of a
- command-line interface makes it harder to use this elegant method.
- The MacPerl menu in Alpha makes it possible to use scripts that
- read from standard input and write to standard output to process
- text buffers in Alpha directly. Any text window can be used as
- standard input and standard output can either be directed back to
- that same window or to a newly created one. The script used may
- either be a disk file or yet another Alpha text window.
- Applying a Text Filter
- ----------------------
- The procedure for using Perl text filters in Alpha is simple:
- 1. Bring the text window you want to operate on to the front and select
- (highlight) the text that will be the input to the script.
- * If the "Apply To Buffer" option is selected, then the entire text
- window will be used as input and any text selection is ignored.
- * Only complete lines are used as input. The text used will be extended
- to include all of the lines on which the selected text lies.
- 2. Select a Perl script using one of the commands, "Select Buffer As
- Filter", "Select File As Filter" or "Repeat Last Filter" from the Perl
- menu, or by choosing one of the scripts listed in the "Text Filters"
- submenu.
- * You can see the name of the last script used by examining the
- variable "perlLastFilter" under the "√" menu in Perl mode. This
- is the script that will be used if you use "Repeat Last Filter"
- * If the "Prompt For Args" option has been selected, you'll be given
- a dialog box to type in the command-line arguments for the script.
- 3. The output of the script is written back out, either in the place of
- the input text (if the "Overwrite Selection" option is selected) or into
- a new text window.
- * As always, Alpha's unlimited undo capability let's you recover if you
- accidently overwrite the input text when you didn't want to.
- * If the script halts on an error, the filter operation is aborted
- and any error messages are displayed in a new window.
- The ability to take the script itself from a text window allows simple
- one-time scripts to be created and applied on the fly. This can be very
- useful because, even with the overhead to start up MacPerl, large-scale
- global search-and-replace operations (hundreds of replaces) can be
- substantially faster in MacPerl than in Alpha. Also, you might find
- it easier to apply a series of regular expression substitutions using a
- single, short Perl script, rather than a number of separate "Find" and
- "Replace All" commands in Alpha.
- Preattached Scripts
- -------------------
- Frequently used text filter scripts can be conveniently accessed by
- placing them in a folder called "Text Filters" within the MacPerl
- application folder. When the MacPerl menu is first created, it looks in
- this folder and builds a hierarchical submenu from the names of the
- scripts that it finds. Note that it will also create a "Text Filters"
- folder if one doesn't already exist.
- A sampling of useful :-) Perl scripts is distributed with Alpha in
- the folder ":Tcl:UserCode:Text Filters".
- Of the scripts in the sample collection, the "Text Munging" scripts
- ("shuffle", "sort lines", "travesty", and "wordcount") were taken from
- the Camel book (Programming Perl). The "s2p" script is my adaptation
- of the standard code that converts Unix "sed" scripts to Perl (it was
- modified to work without using the C preprocessor.) "Strip Mail Headers"
- takes e-mail files and edits out any header lines but the few that I
- typically care about ("From:, "Date:", etc..). "CC To BibTeX" is a
- script I use that takes listings from the online "Current Contents"
- database and rewrites them as BibTeX database entries. To try it out,
- select (highlight) the sample Current Contents citation below and choose
- "CC To BibTeX" from the "Text Filters" submenu (make sure that "Apply
- To Buffer" is _not_ checked before you do!)
- 288. VOS MH; LAMBRY JC; ROBLES SJ; YOUVAN DC; and others.
- AMERICA, 1992 JAN 15, V89 N2:613-617.
- Bugs, etc.
- ==========
- Comments and suggestions regarding this package are always welcome. If
- there's something that bothers you, or some additional capability that
- you'd like to see, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
- Bug reports and any other comments should be directed to
- Tom Pollard <pollard@chem.columbia.edu>
- Version History
- ===============
- 2.3 7/95 - Minor tweaks and code rearrangement.
- 2.2 6/95 - Text filters act only on current line if "Apply to Buffer" is
- false and no text has been selected.
- More verbose commentary when running scripts.
- Bug fix in error-marking for scripts sent as AppleEvent parameters.
- Cmd-dbl-clicking a function call jumps to function, if
- defined in the same file.
- 2.1 6/95 - Cmd-dbl-clicking a 'require'd filename opens the file.
- 2.0 6/95 - Minor bug fixes (incl. keyword decapitalization), and
- Alpha 6.0b17 compatibility updates.
- Text Filters folder is settable from the App Paths menu now.
- 1.9 5/95 - Cmd-dbl-clicking Perl keywords and special variables displays
- the man page info.
- 1.8 4/95 - Menu reorganized somewhat.
- Text Filters folder can now be anywhere.
- "ApplyToBuffer" flag ignored if text has been selected.
- 1.7 1/95 - Updated to take advantage of MacPerl 4.1.4 AppleEvent features:
- 1) Text filters use 'batch' doScript (.: STDOUT file obsolete)
- 2) Filter scripts sent as doScript params (.: SCRIPT file obsolete)
- 3) "Save As Droplet" and "Save as Runtime" commands added.
- Errors generated in 'require'd files are now displayed correctly
- 1.6 10/94 - "UseDebugger" flag added (forces scripts to run under debugger).
- Key bindings added for some menu commands.
- "perlDoScript{,2,3}" procs consolidated into a single proc.
- "saveAndRun" option added.
- Command-line args now parsed into units more correctly, in
- particular, quoted file names aren't broken up.
- "Close Output Window" added to "Tell MacPerl" menu.
- Updated for Alpha 5.98 to load when menu is inserted.
- The error messages window is now recycled.
- "perlRecycleOutput" recycles output window.
- Minor bug fixes.
- 1.5 9/94 - MacPerl menu rearranged somewhat.
- Explicit "Get Output Window" command added to menu.
- Reading "#!" line for args is incompatible w/ standard,
- so it's been dropped.
- Only scan the first 40 output lines for error messages (faster)
- "wrapFilterScript" no longer opens STDIN
- Text filters may now use command-line args
- STDIN for text filters passed as explicit cmd-line arg
- 1.4 9/94 - The "#!" line of every script is read for command-line args.
- "PromptForArgs" menu flag added.
- "perlCmdlineArgs" modeVar holds default command-line args.
- Scripts are sent using custom "perlDoScript2" proc.
- 1.3 9/94 - When any script generates a compilation error, the file
- containing the script is brought up with the offending
- line highlighted; all error output is also written to
- a "Perl Error Messages" window.
- 'repeatLastFilter' runs again the last text-filter script used.
- 'perlLastFilter' modeVar holds pathname of last filter.
- Menu flags now mirrored as modeVars, so they can be saved and
- restored between sessions.
- Minor bug fixes.
- 1.2 8/94 - 'retrieveOutput' and 'autoSwitch' flags added.
- 'openInMacperl' added.
- MacPerl output window now closed before new scripts are sent.
- Filters now abort if there are compilation errors, and
- MacPerl diagnostic output retrieved and displayed.
- 1.1 8/94 - 'quitMacperl' added.
- perl-mode file-marking updated for Alpha 5.90
- Simplified installation via 'loadMacperl'(Pete Keleher).
- 1.0 7/94 - perl-mode setup updated for Alpha 5.85:
- keyword colorization supported
- custom file-marking added
- #! lines in filter scripts now handled correctly
- Workarounds installed for AppleEvent problem in MacPerl 4.1.3
- 0.9 3/94 - perl-mode stuff added, and
- highlighted 'Perl commands' file (man page) prepared
- minor bug fixes, too
- 0.8 3/94 - flags are now check-marked
- 0.7 3/94 - nested Text Filters folder now supported
- menu format modified somewhat
- 0.6 3/94 - 'applyToBuffer' flag added
- scripts in Alpha buffers can now be used as filters
- 0.5 2/94 - 'filters', 'open special' submenu added
- 'overwrite' flag added
- 0.2 1/94 - menu support added by Martijn Koster <m.koster@nexor.co.uk>
- 'execute selection', 'execute buffer' commands added
- 0.1 9/93 - text filter functionality created
- MacPerl application
- ===================
- MacPerl was written (ported to the Mac) by
- Matthias Neeracher <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>, and
- Tim Endres <time@ice.com>.
- If you don't already have MacPerl, it's available by anonymous ftp
- ftp://ftp.switch.ch/software/mac/perl , or
- ftp://ftp.share.com/pub/macperl
- More information about MacPerl is available from the MacPerl Q&A page,
- http://err.ethz.ch/members/neeri/macintosh/perl-qa.html ,
- Hal Wine's official MacPerl FAQ,
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/ha/hal/MacPerl/
- and Sandra Silcott's MacPerl Primer,
- http://www.unimelb.edu.au/~ssilcot/macperl-primer/home.html
- which contains useful hints and sample scripts.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------